Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 2007 Front Page

this issue

The Travelling Poet
more from Dave Besseling
... page 2

Emerging Poet
an introduction to the poetry of Ana Stjelja
... page 3

the Muse interviews Dimitris P. Kraniotis
... page 4

featured book


Dimitris P. Kraniotis

Dimitris P. Kraniotis is an award-winning Greek poet. He was born in 15 July 1966 in Stomio, a coastal town in central Greece. He studied at the Medical School in Thessaloniki. He lives and works as a medical doctor specialized pathologist in Larissa, Greece. He is Founder and President of World Poets Society (W.P.S.), the Editor and Director of the online poetic libraries “Greek Poet”, “International Poet” and “Hellenic Words”, the Editorial Director of the Greek medical magazine “Hippocrates”, President of the Economic and Social Council of the Prefecture of Larissa, a Member of the Editorial Board of the Greek literary magazine “Graphi” and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Larissa Medical Association and Larissa Medical Society. He is a Member of several organizations including the Hellenic Literary Society, International Society of Greek Writers, Larissa Writers and Poets Society (former Vice-President and President), Greek Society of Medical Writers, World Academy of Arts and Culture (WAAC), World Congress of Poets (WCP), United Poets Laureate International (UPLI), International Writers and Artists Association (IWA), Union Mondiale des Ecrivains Medecins (UMEM), International Society of Poets (ISP), Poetry Society of America (PSA), The Academy of American Poets, Poetas del Mundo (Chile) and Bilingual Poets and Writers for Peace (Argentina). Also he is 2007 Poetry Ambassador (by the National Poetry Month Committee, USA) and Love Ambassador (by The Love Foundation Inc., USA). Four of his poetic collections have been published: “Traces” (poems in Greek), Larissa, Greece 1985, “Clay Faces” (poems in Greek), Larissa, Greece, 1992 , “Fictitious Line” (poems in Greek and translated into English and French), Larissa, Greece 2005 and "Dunes" (selected poems translated into French and Romanian), Bucharest, Romania 2007. Central theme in his poetry is contemporary man, his impasse, his worries, his fears, his hopes and dreams. His poems have been translated into English, French, Romanian, Dutch and Portuguese. He has won a number of international literary awards for his poetry (in Greece, USA, UK and France), which has been published in many countries around the World (USA, UK, India, Algeria, China, Korea, Brazil, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Belgium, South Africa, Italy, Nigeria, Argentina, Taiwan, El Salvador & Turkey). He is featured in several encyclopedias (the online encyclopedia “Wikipedia” in 35 languages, the online Greek encyclopedia “Live Pedia”, the “Big Encyclopaedia of New Greek Literature of Haris Patsis” and the “Who is Who in Greece”).

To obtain a copy of the featured book or other publications by Dimitris P. Kraniotis please use the following link:

in the spotlight

Nicoletta A. Poulakida
Athens, Greece

Nicoletta is a 35 year old Greek poetess who has been writing on the internet since 2001. Seven of her poems have been included in anthologies; her work has also been featured in various E-mags such as Tryst, Global Inner Visions, Abctales Mag (issue 5) and on the personal webpages of other poets. Also has had poetry featured in Fuselit magazine.

selected poem

The postscripts

Dear Ceiling

No matter where I’ve been
No matter what I’ve seen
You are the sunrise and the sunset of my life!
Yours truly,

The raven.


What the two of you had is over,
Stop sending letters of love to my love!

The floor.

Dear Window

Is it true? Has the Ceiling forgotten me?
Has it?

The raven.

Dear Raven,

Since the day you left many things have happened,
Now there’s a spiral stairway, and a second floor.
The window has decided to be bricked
After letting you go; so in love
With you it was.
Yours sincerely,

The door.

PS: And a second ceiling of course, and a new raven.
PPS: Have you found a new home?

by Nicoletta A. Poulakida

The Cartier Street Review

click on the following links

Current Issue (July 2009)


April 2009
March 2009
February 2009
January 2009
November 2008
October 2008
August 2008
January 2008
December 2007
November 2007
October 2007
September 2007
August 1 2007
July 19 2007
July 12 2007
July 5 2007
June 20 2007
June 13 2007


Gale Acuff
Anatholie Alain
Bernard Alain
RD Armstrong
George Anderson
Michael Annis
Meme Arte
Kush Arora
Sofiul Azam
Dunstan Attard
CL Bledsoe
Lancillotto Bellini
Dave Besseling
Dianne Borsenik
Janice Brabaw
Bettina Burch
John Burroughs
Alex Bustillo
David Cheezem
Tasha Cotter
Ivan Donn Carswell
Sarah Cabrera
Dana A. Campbell
Brenda Cook
Don Coorough
Jeff Crouch
Aleathia Drehmer
James H Duncan
Demetrius Daniel
Tatjana Debeljacki
Michael Dickel 
Nabina Das
Janice Dayton
Renee Dwyer
Stephanie Edwards
Milton P. Ehrlich
AnnMarie Eldon
Dr. Kane X. Faucher
Adam Fieled
Emad Fouad
Tiziano Fratus
John C. Goodman
Joseph Goosey
Willow Gray
Will Hames
Nick Harris
Stu Hatton
Shell Heller
Kyle Hemmings
Charles Hice
Thomas Hubbard
Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa
Marco Kaufman
Penn Kemp
Ruth  Ellen Kocher
Engin Korkmaz
Dimitris P. Kraniotis
Yahia Lababidi
Chris Labrenz
Jackson Lassiter
Joy Leftow
Heller Levinson
Ira Lightman
Louis K. Lowy
Ross McCague
Stephen Murray
Carl Palmer
Helen Peterson
Kate Peterson 
Elaine Rosenberg Miller
Carolyn Srygley-Moore
Todd Moore
Steve Nash
Paul Niziol
Valery Oisteanu
Charles Potts
Nicoletta A. Poulakida
Casey Quinn
Barbara Reiher-Meyers
Randall Radic
Sadiq Rahman
Dibyajyoti Sarma
Don Schaeffer
Bobby Slais (R Jay)
Patricia Smith
Ruth Spalding
Edward Sobanski
Tanuj Solanki
Don Stabler
Ana Stjelja
Thiery Tillier
Paul A. Toth
C. Derick Varn
Rodrigo Verdugo
Teresa White
Sharon Boyle-Woods
Anne Harding Woodworth
John Yamrus
Changming Yuan